Why Work With Us

Money and speed of results

Our goal is for the book to pay for itself within 30 days of you giving us the green light. We do that by generating leads for your business with a soft launch of your book - before it's even written!

Save Time

We’ll save you dozens - and probably, hundreds - of hours of time. If you have recordings e.g. podcast, FB lives or YouTube we’ll mine them for your brilliance and turn them into a book.

Deep experience working with coaches

Name the market and we've probably written for it - Accountants… lawyers… financial planners… life coaches… business coaches… management consultants… mortgage brokers… real estate agents… property buyer agents… stock investors etc., etc.,

You’ll get a "best profiting" book

What the heck is a bestprofiting book service? It's simple.
Rather than making $5, $10, or $15 from the sale of a book itself. You make $2,000... $5,000... $10,000 plus at a time from the clients you get from your book!

To apply Click here

3 Goals We Aim
To Achieve

To write your book in such a way that you quickly become a trusted authority in the mind of a potential client.

Help build a 5, 6 or even 7 figure profit stream into your business

Differentiate you and your brand from the marketplace.

If you have an existing coaching business - or launching a new business and have funds to invest in growth - our Bestprofiting book service might be for you.

Who It's For

Service, coaches, consultants, agency folks who want a book so they can get clients

People with commitment and focus

You have a good business now (at least six figures per year)

Good people who are fun to work with!

If you want a non-fiction book

To apply Click here

Who it's NOT for

Start ups without any $$$ in the kitty

If you don't have an existing business right now

People who want their autobiography written or wish to be the next J.K Rowling

Anybody unable to do the work (5-10 hours per week) required to use a book to get clients and build it in as a profit stream to their business

To apply Click here

Qualification Criteria

We can only take on 10 clients at a time so we're very selective about who we work with.

On top of that, we're not promising a miracle either.

Once your book is written, clients that get the best results set aside 5-10 hours per week on giving (yes, giving) copies away of their book and following up with leads.
To apply Click here

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you write my book for me?

Yes, we do. Thus saving you hundreds of hours of time, energy and in all likelihood, frustration. We also edit it… proofread it… typeset it… and get it ready for printing. We also organise your initial print run for you (if you want). We also create your front and back cover.
Where does the content come from?

Two ways:

1. If you have a content portal or a podcast or a YouTube channel, we’ll study your recordings and use those as the basis of your book

2. We’ll extract the genius from your mind over a series of recorded Zoom interviews (usually up to 10 hours in total)
Who owns the copyright?

You do.
What if I'm not happy with my first draft?

It's really simple. We'll rewrite the content until you're happy. Having said that, rewrites are rare because we work on your book one stage at a time... and at each stage you sign off. This prevents unpleasant surprises.
How long before my book is ready?

100 days… assuming you’re responsive with approvals and your interviews and so on :)
Do you guarantee I’ll get clients?

Yep, we do. See above.